The alarm clock goes off. You get up and do the morning routine. It is so routine you despise it. The routine of getting ready for a job you are less than fulfilled in but dependent upon. They pay you just enough to make it worth all the horrible staff meetings and mundane reports you fill out and you work just hard enough to not get fired. You clock watch after the first forty minutes of being there hoping that part of the day would speed up so you can get home and crash after a long hard day of enduring mind numbing work. You daydream of being fulfilled by being the solution of a problem you have seen for years. You see people coming to you for help and advice that you are accredited to give. You envision yourself going home after work with a strong sense of gratitude for the ability to do what you love and make a living at it. You sit at the dinner table reliving the glory moments of the day and ... Oh wait, you are actually still in your cubicle staring at the same pale gray fabric you have been staring at for years.
But...what if?
What if you decided that you were going to start taking the small steps it will take over time to get you to that dream you see? Yes, it make take years of small steps, but still, you decide to begin. What if in six months of the decision you are actually measurably closer to your dream becoming your reality? What if your pursuit of the dream causes your current job to transform into the vehicle you need to help you reach your dream rather than a slow ride to your grave?
What if you took a risk? What if you leveraged some comforts for the payoff of stepping into a more authentic career? What if you reduced your lifestyle so you could afford to send yourself to college? What if you showed people around you that you can reinvent yourself at any point in your life? What if that gave them the hope and inspiration they needed? What if you try something new that puts you in the company of new people and you meet someone who changes your life?
Conversely, what if ... You don't?
What if you choose to remain afraid? What if you decide change is just too painful? What if you willingly cling to a job, a relationship or lack of a relationship because you don't want to get out of your current familiar yet painful routine?
If you truly want to change things for the better and actually try, but don't know how to get started, I am here to help. I offer one-on-one mentoring packages starting with just one session. We can connect via video chat or phone wherever you are. To begin the process, email and put mentoring in the subject line. You will receive the mentoring package options which includes the costs. Once you decide which is right for you, I will send you the Client Connection profile form.
Dont let another day, week, month or year go by feeling stuck or hopeless. This is the time to begin taking the steps toward your dream!
Much love,