Discipline is Attractive


Discipline is Attractive


Well, really it is the results of discipline but who's counting. If you want to know how to attract people to you, your message, your product, your influence - be disciplined.


When you choose to be disciplined with your time, you will accomplish all of the things you need to get done and skip the things you don't. People will think you have super powers (maybe you do) if you exercise discipline in your time. This doesn't mean work all the time either! Evaluate your level of discipline in the area of your time.


When you choose to be disciplined with your talent, your value increases.  You are able to do more with your time because you have become more and more efficient. You are able to mentor and inspire because at no point do you think you know or have achieved it all. You are teachable which will consistently bring you to new levels of mastery. Evaluate your level of discipline in the area of your talent.


When you choose to be disciplined with your money, your ability to access things that increase your talent is readily available. You focus your resources on fulfilling your purpose and other wonderful things that have lasting value. You are not a burden to your family or society.  You have the ability to live generously and invest into the lives and purposes of others. Evaluate your level of discipline in the area of your money.

Deep Thought

You have in your life exactly what your level of discipline is attracting.


Much love,



Even when it's not convenient...


Each night that I pray with my kids, I request for us to encounter someone we can show God's love to.  More times than not, this ends up being a person I would rather bypass because I often notice them when I am in a rush. 

It literally is like God is saying, "Slow down and see them.  Talk to them.  The conversation may mean nothing to you but it means so much to them."  It then becomes a question of obedience not opportunity.  

I know I stand to gain nothing personally in those moments and I must choose to surrender my plan, my punctuality, my agenda, my efficiency to show a stranger kindness, love, consideration, patience, helpfulness, or whatever the situation may require to humanly demonstrate the dynamic love of God.  

Many times I failed the mission.  More than I care to admit, but with each new day you and I have the chance to do it right and do it better.  

I encourage you, build in five extra minutes to your schedule to make room for God to use you to show his love to the hurting, lonely, depressed, clingy, needy, grieving, weird, tired, awkward, different people in your world.

There doesn't have to be a literal cliff for you to be saving someone from going over the edge with a simple act of kindness.

Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Much love, 


Money Wise - Book Release



It is here! I am thrilled to share with you this simple, smart plan to help you manage your money and fuel your dreams. Dreams require resources so we must demonstrate the same passion for managing our finances as we do for our dreams.  

Money influences almost every area of life, so it's time to get educated. Whether you are a high school grad or retiree, you need money. 

Money Wise will equip you with the knowledge and simple strategies you need to get you where you want to go financially in life!

Online ordering coming soon!